March 16, 2016


Goals and Objectives

The basic objectives and functions of PRC are as follows:
  1. Dedicate towards the cooperative slogan "Cooperative for the member, by the member and to the member".
  2. To provide prompt banking services to members through co-operative principle.
  3. To develop co-operation along with members and local inhabitants.
  4. To encourage saving habit and provide competitive service to the members.
  5. To support low income earning groups and rural farmers by providing special approachable credit facilities for income generation.
  6. To provide cooperative education and literacy education to illiterate women and women groups.
  7. To provide seed money to the women groups for the betterment of their living and income generation.
  8. Cooperation with local, national and international cooperative societies.
  9. To provide insurance facility to the members.
  10. To provide economic, social and cultural needs to the members.
  11. To conduct Adult Literacy class for elderly groups.

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